Tagged questions

TopSpin: 3D experiment with vc list

2 0 10389
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Question about how to make a 3D experiment in which one of the dimensions is a variable counter (vc) list. I'm using Top...
Updated: DaanMR 1 Jun 05 '14 at 08:26

multiple-quantum diffusion measurements

1 1 3k
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Dear all, My first question here, I hope that someone can help! In a paper describing a method to measure diffusion us...
Updated: Daan 11 Sep 11 '12 at 00:34

sample not spining

1 0 3k
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HI I am faceing spining problem on av-300 bruker instrument. I have change spinner,clean shim stack but the problem is s...
Posted: feroon 21 / Updated: Jerry Hirschinger 199 Sep 12 '11 at 09:31

Diffusion constant range measurable by NMR?

1 1 5k
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What is the range of diffusion constants accessible by PFG NMR methods? Could anyone provide specific examples for the ...
Posted: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 / Updated: Adolfo Botana 91 Nov 02 '09 at 07:31

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