Tagged questions

Looking for hsqc-based ZZ exchange bruker pulse program

1 1 5k
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hi nmrwikier ! Anyone know if the hsqc-based zz exchange pulse prog developed by Farrow et al. (1994) is available on s...
Updated: Yoan Monneau 136 Jul 07 '11 at 03:21

Will intermediate exchange give poor half filtered NOE

1 1 6k
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I have recorded 2D half filtered NOE experiments on a protein-protein complex and got very poor quality data, why would ...
Posted: TomgA20 61 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Jul 15 '10 at 08:17

Software to calculate chemical exchange lineshape

4 2 10028
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Are there any modern programs (preferably freeware) that will simulate line broadening in the presence of exchange. Some...
Posted: dstephenson 56 / Updated: Jana 31 Apr 19 '13 at 21:47

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