Tagged questions

Saturation pulse

3 0 19685
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I keep getting myself lost when thinking about saturation pulses, a pulse in which there is no magnetisation in the z di...
Thomas barbara 11 Oct 16 '12 at 10:36

How important is calibrating a 90degree pulse for 2D?

2 1 4k
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So it is pretty much always recommended to calibrate the 90 for 1H for any 2D experiment... Cosy, Noesy, HSQC, etc... ...
Nikolay Boev 41 Jun 29 '12 at 09:04

Calibrating 1H decoulpler pulse?

1 0 4k
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Recently while getting a loaner probe up and running, I noticed that the engineers simply had me set the decouple 90 to ...
Alexander Marchione 21 Jun 25 '12 at 05:06

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