Tagged questions

Predicting aquisition time needed depending on sample concentration

2 0 7k
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Hi , is there a way of predicting aquisition time needed depending on sample concentration in order to get a decent spe...
Posted: gravatar 83 / Updated: clemistry 1 May 19 '15 at 14:36

31P-31P COSY

1 0 4k
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I like to run a 31P-31P COSY experiment to determine whether there is coupling between 1R-31P-CH2-31P-X in my molecule. ...
Updated: Jim Lin 1 Apr 09 '15 at 07:54

Choice of relaxation delay time (d1) in 2D experiments.

1 0 5k
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Hi, Most people tend to use a lower d1 for 2D than for 1D. Help me understand why. Furthermore, supposing you know you...
Updated: gravatar 83 Mar 09 '15 at 02:21

19F 2D experiments

3 0 6k
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Hi, I would like to run some 19F NOESY, and 19F-1H correlation experiments on a totally fluorinated sample (no H) with a...
Posted: AnneBaudouin 1 / Updated: RuudA 11 Nov 02 '14 at 07:44

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