I like to run a 31P-31P COSY experiment to determine whether there is coupling between 1R-31P-CH2-31P-X in my molecule. I already have 1H decoupled 31P-spectra, showing two very different chemical shifts for these two 31P. However, I never run 31P-31P COSY before, anyone have any advises. I have Bruker Avance II instrument. Thanks. |
Hi! Recently, I've modified 1H-1H COSY pulse sequence (Bruker DRX 500Mhz at TopSPin1.3) to 31P-31P (1H decoupled) COSY. I don't remember whether I used simple gCOSY or DQF-COSY, but it's irrevelant. Pulse sequence was modified by adding proton decoupling during acqusition, I think it was garp, (just like in almost forgotten HETCOR sequence). I'll paste here full sequence as soon as It'll be found in my library. In case of any questions you can write then here, at board, or via e-mail: aleniak@icho.edu.pl Before that you should try typical gCOSY without decoupling. You need just calibrated 90deg 31P hard pulse. Thanks. I run a 31P spectra and then changed the pulse program to COSYDCPH, converted the data set to 2D, modified F2 to 1H. The CPDPRG2 program I used is waltz16. The result confirmed that in deed there are coupling between two 31P. - Jim Lin (Apr 09 '15 at 07:54) |