Tagged questions

Why is chemical shift range of 13C wider than of 1H nuclei?

6 3 20042
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Why the chemical shift range of 1H nmr is ~20 ppm wheras for 13C nmr it is ~230 ppm? ...
Posted: sameer deka 31 / Updated: Yoan Monneau 136 Feb 15 '11 at 11:23

Are there ways to explain magnetic-field dependent chemical shift?

4 1 25217
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Hi everyone, I was wondering whether anyone could help me to explain why the chemical shifts in my proton and carbon NM...
Posted: Guga Hollows 11 / Updated: Arkadiusz Leniak 238 May 31 '14 at 15:46

J-Coupling In Proton NMR

1 1 7k
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I'm currently a college student taking Organic Chem and I've no idea how to figure out the J-coupling for H-NMR and neit...
Posted: Scott 11 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Aug 07 '10 at 11:37

two triplets and no quartet?

4 1 8k
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Hello all, I have spent approximately 4 hours trying to analyze an H NMR consisting of two doublets of doublets (pe...
Posted: Kelsey O'Dell 11 / Updated: joenmr 1 Feb 18 '15 at 10:44

Simple 1H-NMR Assignment Query

4 1 5k
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Hi guys, sorry to be really cheeky and sign up simply to ask for help, but here goes. I've done a simple Grignard addit...
Posted: Brianstorm 11 / Updated: 3nath 11 Oct 26 '11 at 12:53

33S NMR Experiment

1 1 5k
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Dear Everyone I´d like to run 33S-NMR experiments using a Bruker NMR spectrometer at 400 MHz buy I nedd the pulse seque...
Posted: Juan_Carlos 11 / Updated: Pete Gierth 401 Jun 15 '12 at 07:53

Inverted Spinning Sidebands

2 0 7k
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Hello, My 1H MAS NMR spectrum comes out with the right spinning side band pointing up and the left one pointing down. ...
Updated: NMRUser61581 13 Jan 03 '11 at 10:04

High Pressure NMR Samples

3 0 6k
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I need to run NMR on samples of anhydrous ammonia. The boiling point of anhydrous ammonia is -33.34 deg C. In order to...
Posted: grant 1 / Updated: Damodaran Krishnan Achary 21 Feb 28 '12 at 14:09

Longer pulse length for conducting samples?

3 0 6k
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Hi, my 1H 90 deg pulses are always longer when I work with my samples that are electrically conducting. Is this a/the re...
Posted: Santhosh 1 / Updated: glass lizard 31 Aug 12 '12 at 12:24

how to simulate the impression of excitation of cpmg

0 0 2k
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Hi? recently I try to use the bloch equation to simulate the magnetization M's variation, i used the perfect 90-degr...
Posted: da hsu 1 Apr 18 '13 at 18:51

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