Unanswered questions

How does pipe estimates Haight and DHeight?

4 1 5k
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I`m new on Pipe. I was using the values from pipe to estimate R1 and R2. Because lots of signal in the HSQC were crowded...
Updated: Marcos 21 Jul 02 '10 at 10:55

What is the minimum information required to calculate a structure with cyana?

1 1 8k
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Hi guys : I have several spectra, and wanted to test out what data I do , and do not need, in order to effectively get a...
Posted: j 131 / Updated: Bharathwaj 112 Jun 28 '10 at 19:43

Chemical shift and spin rate

2 1 5k
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For solid state NMR: What can cause the line position shift depending on the spin rate? ...
Posted: KateSTR 11 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Jun 21 '10 at 19:12

What does tcu error in bruker mean: ignored AQNEXT, busy FIFO is stopped?

1 0 10591
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Has any one seen this type of error before? tcu error: Error in 'hsqcrexetf3gpsi3d.t22.d': line 92 (pc=50, ld=2300): - ...
Posted: Jeetender Chugh 31 / Updated: Ilango 171 Jul 09 '10 at 11:45

Why RF irradiation will damage amplifier?

3 1 17170
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Here our 1H amplifier of NMR spectrometer is damaged twice for long time or high power RF irradiation. Why the duty cyc...
Posted: Frey 61 / Updated: lbeezley 1 Mar 15 '11 at 08:37

What is the origin of positive and negative coupling constants in NMR?

1 2 23997
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When positive and negative coupling constants occur in NMR? and why? What are the spin states of the nuclei and the bond...
Posted: Ligia 21 / Updated: sekhar Talluri 621 Jun 13 '10 at 05:47

Can adamantane condense in a rotor of a solids probe?

1 0 4k
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Hi, does anyone ever get adamantane from the rotor sublimate and condense outside it? A student here found a suspiciou...
Posted: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 / Updated: Joseph DiVerdi 146 May 31 '10 at 06:25

How to make single page plots of arbitrary size in SPARKY?

0 0 3k
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Hi, I need to plot a 2D spectrum so that it is 20cm wide (and tall) in sparky. Using pt command I can set up ppm/cm acc...
Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 May 27 '10 at 13:46

How to create synthetic procpar files for VNMRJ?

2 2 7k
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Hi guys : Im trying to make a procpar for an FID, I know most of the parameters of importance, and have the schema of th...
Posted: j 131 / Updated: David Horita 31 Nov 09 '12 at 06:43


2 1 6k
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I'm trying to analyze my RDC data using Module. But I'm using a crystal structure instead of NMR. Can somebody pls advis...
Posted: shub 31 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Jul 28 '10 at 11:09

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