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For solid state NMR: What can cause the line position shift depending on the spin rate?
asked Jun 21 '10 at 01:56
KateSTR 11
The isotropic chemical shift is independent of spinrate. Spin Sidebands are located at a n*spinrate(n=1,2,3...) distance with respect to isotropic peaks.
answered Jun 21 '10 at 18:52
Frey 61
Maybe shift changes as result of imperfect temperature control? The faster you spin the more you may end up heating the sample.
answered Jun 21 '10 at 19:12
Evgeny Fadeev 577●1
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spin ×4 line ×2 position ×1 rate ×1
Asked: Jun 21 '10 at 01:56
Seen: 5,160 times
Last updated: Jun 21 '10 at 19:12
Chemical shift and spin rate
The echo trajectory for spin 3/2
spin lock 1H spectrum
Measuring T1 for a low concentration (1mM) compound in water.
Line broadening in nmr
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