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I am having trouble locking a sample of a polymer dissolved in OCDB at 135 degree's. Can this high temperature interfer...
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Hi Eeveybody,
Is there anyone who can help me in processing the STD-Tr-NOESY 2D spectrum, i have done the experiment bu...
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Dear experts,
I want to run 1H-119Sn HMBC or HMQC, but I don't know the name of pulse program in Bruker.
Do you know the...
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Most 90 degree pulse calibration instructions I've run across seem to be for a 1H 90. What about a 13C 90 degree pulse?...
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Recently while getting a loaner probe up and running, I noticed that the engineers simply had me set the decouple 90 to ...
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Hi all,
I have a small question on excitation bandwidth for shaped pulses. In many of the literature, the field strength...
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Hi there,
how is possible that peak area calculated by ACD/NMR is lower than the same one calculated by MestReNova soft...
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Hello all, iam trying to key in the correct value for nd0 for a custom written pulse program. In doing so i ran into con...
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I have recently set up the eretic sample concentration measurement experiment experiment on our AvanceIII instrument. ...
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I've received a loaner probe from Bruker while ours is being repaired but I'm not getting any timely response on instruc...