Hi Eeveybody, Is there anyone who can help me in processing the STD-Tr-NOESY 2D spectrum, i have done the experiment but am unable to get the spectrum. So i am waiting for positive response from you NMR user guys. Have a good day to all. |
I have to agree with Evgeny: the question might be clear to you, but the exact problem isn't clear to me at all. So you recorded an experiment, but can't process the data. It would help to provide at least some information: what is the name of the pulse program and is it on a Varian or Bruker spectrometer, how did you exactly record the data (e.g., was it interleaved), what did you try to process the data and how does that spectrum look, etcetera... |
I think the difficult part in your question is that it's not clear what you have the difficulty with. Please try to exlpain your problem better, or I'll have to remove your post. Thank you. - Evgeny Fadeev (Jun 27 '12 at 23:43)