How to adjust the receiver gain in a deuterium oxide protein sample?

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I am running a 15N HSQC on a protein sample which is in a 100% deuterium oxide solvent. The command rga in TopSpin gives...
Updated: norsouth 3 Dec 02 '13 at 11:16

PHIP experiments

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Dear all! I am struggling with some density matrices in PHIP experiments. I understand why the density matrix before hyd...
Posted: Elina Lisitsin 1 Nov 28 '13 at 02:41

How to exactly set integral start and end in VNMRJ

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One can roughly set the integral start and end by left clicking in the spectra. Is there a command which let you type in...
Posted: de xiao 11 Nov 27 '13 at 07:58

How can I tell if and what kind of solvent suppression was used?

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I have some older 2D HSQC 1H-15N data that was run by a NMR tech. Is there a way I can tell what kind of solvent suppre...
Posted: BrianW 1 / Updated: uabnmr1 1 Feb 26 '14 at 07:11

Streaks in RDC Gel Spectrum

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Hello all, I have used stretched polyacrylamide gels successfully many times to collect RDC data for proteins. The las...
Updated: ChemMJW 99 Dec 06 '13 at 19:10

how to get a 1H-15N HMBC spectroscopy

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hi All, I run a 1H-15N HMBC experiment on a Bruker AVANCE III 600 MHz spectrometer. But I fail to get the long- range ...
Posted: nmrqibebt 1 / Updated: Kirk Marat 711 Dec 09 '13 at 07:48

why prefer using Nitrogen NMR than carbon and hydrogen NMR

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Hi, I am new in NMR. Can someone please answer me why prefer N-NMR but not C and H -NMR? Thanks ...
Posted: Rimond john 1 / Updated: de xiao 11 Nov 18 '13 at 07:50

How to convert inversion recovery data acquired using Spinsight

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Hi, I do not know how to convert a data set acquired using Spinsight into a format that can be read by Topspin. The d...
Posted: mike 1 Nov 14 '13 at 14:00

NMR of compounds containing iron

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Are there any problems with doing proton NMR of a compound containing iron? ...
Updated: Debbie 1 Nov 15 '13 at 10:43

31P signal at negative 74 ppm

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Hello All Does anyone have any ideas on what might give a phosphorus signal at negative 74 ppm (cf phosphoric acid)? T...
Updated: Craig 41 Nov 19 '13 at 05:11


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