Longer pulse length for conducting samples?

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Hi, my 1H 90 deg pulses are always longer when I work with my samples that are electrically conducting. Is this a/the re...
Posted: Santhosh 1 / Updated: glass lizard 31 Aug 12 '12 at 12:24

qfil: baseline correction

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"the t1 dimensio was processed using the baseline correction mode “qfil” in the XWINNMR software" Does anyone know abou...
Posted: Frey 61 / Updated: Kirk Marat 711 Sep 19 '12 at 13:11

2D NOESY filtered/edited experiments

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what are the name for 2D NOESY filtered/edited experiments like F1fF2f, F1fF2e, F2f, F1eF2e in Bruker 700MHz ?. Here is ...
Posted: ambrish 1 / Updated: marcs 11 Nov 28 '12 at 08:13

Saturation pulse

3 0 19390
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I keep getting myself lost when thinking about saturation pulses, a pulse in which there is no magnetisation in the z di...
Posted: Elrohir 3 / Updated: Thomas barbara 11 Oct 16 '12 at 10:36

Long-range 1H-{15N} coupling (HMBC)

3 1 7k
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Hello All I have two examples of what appears to be 6J coupling between 1H and 15N using gradient HMBC experiments with...
Posted: Craig 41 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Feb 16 '13 at 15:17

Varian VNMRJ 2.2D standard experiments

3 1 6k
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Hey folks, I was wondering if anyone else has had any issues with the experiments/pulse sequences that came standard in ...
Posted: CaymanDave 11 / Updated: Bharathwaj 112 Nov 09 '12 at 08:16

Where to by RT-Shim set + power supply?

3 0 3k
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Hi, I am searching for an RT-Shim set with a manual power supply (not controlled by software like topspin) for a WB mag...
Posted: fid 139 / Updated: Kirk Marat 711 Dec 06 '12 at 08:09

NQR technique

3 0 4k
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Hi.I would like to run NQR test.I have some questions about it.are there any machines for this technique?if yes,please t...
Posted: shideh bb 1 / Updated: Elena Kurenkova 1 Jun 10 '13 at 00:34

Gsim 2D transformation (TopSpin)

3 0 4k
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Hello. Anybody can use Gsim for 2D liquid spectra transformation? I can not transform correctly the TopSpin .ser files....
Posted: Attila 1 / Updated: Ulrich Haunz 210 Mar 11 '13 at 01:51

Why is HNCO the most sensitive Spectrum?

3 0 35762
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I would like to know where the advantages of the HNCO spectrum stem from. I read that it is the most sensitive multi-D ...
Posted: nmrguy 3 / Updated: sekhar Talluri 621 May 25 '13 at 14:20


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