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can someone4 explain how the tssub command works. For example, for phi4[1] = {1} ; settable(t4, 1, phi4) ;

what does the moduloval do ? for example, what does tssub(t4,1,4) do ?

i have always worked on bruker and i am trying to understand a varian pulse program.

asked Jan 19 '17 at 13:13

kaustubh%20sinha's gravatar image

kaustubh sinha

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(1) if phi4[1] = {1} ; settable(t4, 1, phi4) ; tssub(t4,1,4) "4 is moduloval" ==> t4 will be {0}

(2) if phi4[1] = {0} ; settable(t4, 1, phi4) ; tssub(t4,1,4) ==> without the moduloval "4", t4 would be {-3}, with the moduloval "4", t4 will actually be {1}

The moduloval "4" is to keep the phases being 0,1,2 or 3. Typically, phases (0,1,2,3) mean (0,90,180,270), similar with the phases in bruker. The tssub/tsadd (varian) resemble dp/ip (bruker). The difference is that the moduloval is default in bruker.


answered Sep 27 '17 at 03:12

Zhang's gravatar image


updated Sep 27 '17 at 03:23

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there is a nice "older" manual about how the hard- and software of a Varian UnityInova works:


The manual is about programming a pulse sequence. How this works! There is no pulsprogrammer direct code - it's is in "C" code coded.

The basics is the same - the language is different!




answered Mar 02 '17 at 02:12

Ulrich%20Haunz's gravatar image

Ulrich Haunz

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