Hi, I'm working on a bruker avance 400 spectrometer and using topspin version 1.3 software. I want to get a std-nmr (saturation transfer difference nmr) spectrum. This is the first time for me to set up and processes a STD nmr experiment. I'm trying to use simplest pulse programme "stddiff" from brukers pulse programme catalogue. Could anyone help me abuot basic parameter settings (at least neccessary ones) for this experiment. For example I'm confused about "dimensions" of this püse programme. Because according to the pulse programme catalogue "stddiff" is a one dimensional, but when I tray this programme in accupars section and try to start accusition software tell me that "this programme is 2d or 3d so you have to change dimension". When I upgrade to the 2 dimension I get some spectrum but only x axis (f1 channel) have some useful information... and so on. Could anyone WHO have some experience abuot STD NMR experiments help me to get a simple STD spectrum please... |
STD experiment runs as a pseudo 2D. Open this 2D experiment that you did and write in command line: stdsplit This command will split pseudo 2D data into reference spectrum and differences spectra. Thank you very much for your answer :) I have one more question now, which automation programme should I use for getting directly resulted difference spectrum, I mean doesn't have to do substractions manual between on/off resonance Slides. It seems as "au_zg" but I think it is not the correct one... - nfromdicle (Jul 12 '14 at 05:56) |