This is my first time in doing DOSY experiment. i got the data but dont know how to process it. |
Dear Kiu, Mestrenova will do nice 2D plots of Dosy for you, what helps a lot to identify different substances. If you are interested in checking the quality of your fit however, you better get the data points from MestreNova and plot it yourself (intensities Vs gradients plot, I mean). I have experienced some strange behaviour of topspin distributing data points in incomprehensible manner. Thus if you use topspin you better plot the data in a math program as well. There is no other way to know if you have a reasonable fit or a curve trying to fit crazy points. (obs: VnmrJ does show you the fit graph). When doing the fit, check if the points are deviating in a random manner from the fitted curve, discard your experiment otherwise. Dosy expts are quite sensitive to conditions and may easily give wrong results. Maybe here is a suggestion for Mestrenova to plot the fit (Echo Intensities Vs Gradient Intensities) as well. It would be a nice feature to help us find out why different experiments give completely different results :-) And believe me, it happens quite often. Below I show you how I fitted a Dosy of DMSO using the program Octave (additional function leasqr required): % comments start with a % [f,coef,cvg,iter,corp,covp,covr,stdresid,Z,r2]=... |
Hey, sorry. Have to post the code again. This wiki is using markdown. It changed a little bit what i had typed ...
Hey fid, you could have just edited your post. Can you put together one answer instead of two and delete the other one? Thanksl - Evgeny Fadeev (Jun 16 '12 at 09:36) |
Dear Kiu Chor Sham, Could you please take a look at this tutorial? If you have doubts, please contact us Regards |