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HI I am faceing spining problem on av-300 bruker instrument. I have change spinner,clean shim stack but the problem is still there have any body idea what i have do now,I have check by turning on and off spinner change spin rate but it not getting spinning. IS it electronic fault?

with regard feroon

asked Sep 10 '11 at 11:14

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Check spin airflow by disconnecting tubing at upper barrel and turning spin on/off. Mark the spinner so you can see if spinning by looking into the upper barrel with a light. If spinning, check tachometer wiring and clean tach optical sensor, or reduce VT airflow.


answered Sep 12 '11 at 09:31

Jerry%20Hirschinger's gravatar image

Jerry Hirschinger

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Asked: Sep 10 '11 at 11:14

Seen: 3,739 times

Last updated: Sep 12 '11 at 09:31

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