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If someone knew nothing about shaped RF pulses for NMR - where would you suggest to look first to learn about them and then how to practically implement them? Any references in journals or books? Any online resources? Tips and basic advise for beginners would be welcome as well.

asked Nov 18 '09 at 13:34

cdr's gravatar image


updated Nov 18 '09 at 14:39

Evgeny%20Fadeev's gravatar image

Evgeny Fadeev

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I suggest the following book for the theory:

Spin choreography: basic steps in high resolution NMR by Ray Freeman.

Publisher Oxford University Press, 1998 ISBN 0198504810, 9780198504818

For practical implementation it is best to refer to the manual and pulse-sequence documentation provided by the NMR spectrometer vendors (e.g. Varian, Bruker).


answered Feb 11 '10 at 11:36

sekhar%20Talluri's gravatar image

sekhar Talluri

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