We try to setup a used Bruker Avance 200 system. After frequency search we started to setup lock and shim file. Using D2O everithing worked quite well - the spectrometer find the lock and shimming leads to a 1H linewitdth less than 3Hz (10mm tube). Next step we wanted to set the files for acetone-d6. The system finds the lock, but now we see two well shaped lines separated by 0.48 ppm. Shimming does not solve this problem. We also tried acetone-d6 from a different bottle but still see two signals. Thanks for your comments |
Hi - you may be seeing the residual acetone-d5 (7 close spaced lines in a multiplet) and H2O (your unexpected peak). Try adding a very small additional amount of H2O and see if the non-coupled resonance increases in intensity. Most solvents contain water, sometimes you can make out two resaonances for "water" - H2O and HOD. Good luck Andy |
Maybe it's just shimming problem, did you try 5 mM tube and spin the sample? Are X and Y shims optimized? Was your magnet recently energized or shim files are brand new? |
is it 0.48ppm away? Water should be at 2.8 and acetone 2.05 - Magnethead (Nov 19 '10 at 12:16)
Thomas, you can post a spectrum, btw. Just edit the question and hit the "image" button and insert a cropped image of "Print Screen" result. Probably the "Print Screen" button works on your keyboard.. - Evgeny Fadeev (Nov 19 '10 at 12:23)