these two directories seem to contain same kind of files, I'm curious why there are two instead of just one? Thanks. |
Wavelib contains information about specific types of shapes, including spinlocks, gradient and decoupling waveforms. You can use a text editor to read these files. Typically, a shape is either defined by an equation (denoted by a symbol) known to Pbox, or a fourier series from which the shape can be calculated. Comments are given for the purpose of the shape and a literature referemce os given. These entries are used by Pbox when it generates a shape/waveform. These files do not contain any information on the calibration of your system. Shapelib contains the text files (shapes or waveforms) that are used by the pulse sequence to do the actual experiment. The proper action relies on the power level and pulse width, for example, need to be specified in the parameter set, or calculated in the pulse sequence. Files in shapelib can be created by any means, including Pbox. -George Gray NMR Applications Lab Varian, Inc. |