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Dear all,

I was wondering whether someone managed to install the VnmrJ software of Varian (2.2 D) on a Ubuntu based system (Ubuntu 10.04). Varian recommends installing it only on Linux Red Hat Enterprise and this installations indeed worked. However, my own PC runs on Ubuntu 10.04 and I was wondering whether it is possible to install VnmrJ on Ubuntu.

Many thanks!


asked Sep 10 '10 at 02:25

Tom%20de%20Greef's gravatar image

Tom de Greef

4 Answers:
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The only way to install working vnmrj program for me to use RedHat (which installation CD/DVD goes with the spectrometer).

Also, I have successfully copied installed vnmrj 2.1.B from the workstation to another PC with Sabayon x64 on board (I just have to make new softlinks to tcl and tk librares and this instructions helped to make start-up script: http://pelican.rsvs.ulaval.ca/mediawiki/index.php/Vnmrj )


answered Nov 08 '12 at 05:24

maxm00d's gravatar image


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Yes, this is trivial if you have copied /etc/redhat-release from RHEL host ("Red Hat Enterprise Linux Client release 5.2 (Tikanga)").


answered Nov 15 '11 at 03:21

Aleksandr%20Yakimov's gravatar image

Aleksandr Yakimov

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Dear Hamish, Sorry for the late reply. I also tried many things to get VNMRJ to run on Ubuntu but all failed. So I will try Centos now. Is the installation of vnmrj as trivial under Centos as under RHEL? Best regards, Tom


answered Nov 15 '11 at 01:06

Tom%20de%20Greef's gravatar image

Tom de Greef

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Tom - Since VJ for Linux was released several years ago, I have tried to escape the RedHat restrictions using a couple of other "flavours" incl. Debian based distributions but could never get it to run. The only alternative that works (for obvious reasons) is CentOS. My only other comment is to install the VJ code anyway then run /bin/sysprofiler (downloaded from the userlib) to see if it can identify any key components (esp. libs) that may be missing & you may be able to install these separately to get it working. This OS compatibility utility was not available when I was experimenting.


answered Sep 15 '10 at 18:58

Hamish%20Grant's gravatar image

Hamish Grant

Dear Hamish, Sorry for the late reply. I also tried many things to get VNMRJ to run on Ubuntu but all failed. So I will try Centos now. Is the installation of vnmrj as trivial under Centos as under RHEL? Best regards, Tom - Tom de Greef (Nov 15 '11 at 01:06)

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