Hi I have a 500MHz BRUKER NMR. How I can access to J-value at COSY experiment? what's that command? |
Hi, If you want to measure spin-spin coupling constants (J value) you have a few ways to do it:
http://link.springer.com/article/10.1023%2FA%3A1008372630606 http://spin.niddk.nih.gov/bax/lit/508/292.pdf https://www.researchgate.net/publication/7795413Spin-edited2DHSQC-TOCSYexperimentsforthemeasurementofhomonuclearandheteronuclearcouplingconstantsapplicationtocarbohydratesandpeptides Best regards, A. Leniak |
Hi. I'll try a different interpretation of your question: there is NO J-value parameter to set in a COSY experiment. Compare for example selective 1D COSY in which you have to set a J-value parameter. If I understand correctly, in basic 2D COSY the J couplings just determine the structure of your diagonal and cross peaks. But probably the best thing to do, if you want to understand more on this, is to take a book (Keeler's?) and look at the equations for the COSY. |