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We generally use Dual to run 13C and BBI to run 2D. After changed the probe, the command "edhead" was used to set the probe. Put the sample tube, lock the solvent, and then type "atma" to tune the probe. We always do it like this, but now we can not tune the proton after installed the BBI probe (13C is OK). The dip can not be found by "atma", and "atmm" was also not work on forming a dip. What is the most possible reason for this error? How to solve it and avoid it in the future ? Thanks. (Instrument: Bruker 400 MHz, Topspin)

asked Aug 22 '11 at 22:57

Yaming%20Xu's gravatar image

Yaming Xu

Most common error after a probe change is an incorrect cable connection. Double check the cable routing to be sure each probe coil is connected to the correct preamp. - Jerry Hirschinger (Aug 29 '11 at 06:28)

2 Answers:
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Did you try to manually tune the probe. I don't know how the algorithm of 'atma' works but it might be such that your probe has become hugely detuned and those protocols are not working.


answered Aug 31 '11 at 14:02

Paul's gravatar image


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  1. Use the standard sample for probe testing. lossy sample may cause mismatch
  2. Please check the cables from HPPR to the probe, especially connections at the probe. It's convinient to observe signal via wobb (set wbsw 10-15 MHz). If anything changes, try to find out what's wrong with the cable. If not, try to replace cable, from X-channel for example.
  3. try to connect previous probe and check wobb

answered Aug 28 '11 at 22:02

VVK's gravatar image


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