Tagged questions

WaterLOGSY pulse program for bruker

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Hello, I was wondering if there was a waterLOGSY sequence among the bruker sequences. If not, could someone tell me whe...
Posted: gravatar 83 / Updated: Arkadiusz Leniak 238 Mar 17 '15 at 08:09

OH, NH, SH Labile protons in water nmr

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Hello all, Just to mirror Craig Grimmer's question about labile protons in non-aqueous solvents, does anyone know of an...
Posted: gravatar 83 / Updated: Arkadiusz Leniak 238 Mar 14 '15 at 11:24

Measuring T1 for a low concentration (1mM) compound in water.

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Hi, I'm trying to measure T1 for a compund at 1mM in water using t1ir. Seeing how my concentration is so low, phasing m...
Posted: gravatar 83 / Updated: Ulrich Haunz 210 Oct 23 '14 at 08:39

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