Tagged questions

dmf problem in vnmr

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Hi, dear all, I try to use garp1 sequence for decoupling with the statement " obsprgon("garp1", pw, angle, 0) ". If an...
Frey 61 Jun 30 '11 at 06:14

Problems about VnmrJ 2.3A(3. fid display style)

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How can I change the line style of the spectrum or fid in viewports? The line of spectrum seems too narrow. ...
Frey 61 Feb 26 '11 at 22:24

Problems about VnmrJ 2.3A (2 shimDriver)

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when shimming with shimDriver, there may be an error message as 'usage - dfid or dfid#' and then the autoshim procedure ...
Frey 61 Feb 26 '11 at 22:23

Problems about VnmrJ 2.3A (1.shimming)

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when shimming with Fid scan, the fid/spectrum can't be displayed in real time. ...
Frey 61 Feb 26 '11 at 22:22

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