Tagged questions

NMR transmission, polarized magnetic field and rotation along x' and y' axis

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I am trying to understand the workings of the NMR transmission more closely. I understand how the sinusoidally varying m...
Updated: Aniket 1 May 22 '12 at 10:35

How do you build an NMR power amplifier?

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And how to you match it to the NMR coil? Basically I'm looking to perform NMR experiments with frequencies in the 500KH...
Posted: Homer Garfield 1 / Updated: lbeezley 1 Mar 25 '12 at 08:37

Varian Gemini 300 Transmitter Board Indicator Lights

1 0 4k
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I am having problems with a Varian Gemini 300 console. During the troubleshooting process, I noticed that the number of...
Posted: nz402 1 / Updated: cal carpenter 11 Jul 23 '11 at 10:15

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