Tagged questions

How to implement receiver phase toggle in XWINNMR?

1 0 4k
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How does one change the receiver phase DURING stroboscopic acquisition in XWINNMR? The "ipp" commands do not seem to wor...
Updated: forza 1 Nov 10 '16 at 10:22

Switiching off the receiver during acquisition

0 0 2k
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Hello nmr wikier. I use Bruker Avance I AQS 400. TopSpin Version 1.3 For a test I want to switch off the receiver durin...
Posted: Mario 1 Sep 13 '11 at 05:27

Pulse sequence for homonuclear correlation with SPC5 mixing period

0 0 7k
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Hi, I'm looking for a pulse program suitable for Bruker Avance llI (topspin 2.1) which is 2D homonuclear correlation wit...
Posted: Gili Abr 1 Sep 27 '12 at 02:09

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