Tagged questions

What may cause lock level depend on pfgon setting in vnmr?

2 1 5k
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Hello, I've been working through the probe performance tests and noticed that when I change pfgon='yyy' to pfgon='nyn' l...
Jerry Hirschinger 199 Sep 28 '10 at 12:12

Why this gradient shim map is jumpy at edges?

1 0 6k
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Hello, I've been trying to create a gradient shim map (shown in figure below) on a standard 5 mM tube on D2O (10% D2O/H2...
Kirk Marat 711 Jul 03 '10 at 08:22

Diffusion constant range measurable by NMR?

1 1 5k
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What is the range of diffusion constants accessible by PFG NMR methods? Could anyone provide specific examples for the ...
Adolfo Botana 91 Nov 02 '09 at 07:31

An accurate way to calibrate gradients?

1 0 7k
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What is a good way to calibrate PFG? How do you prepare the most suitable sample for the calibration? ...
Adolfo Botana 91 Jul 01 '09 at 09:35

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