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Eliminating NOE restraints

1 1 6k
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I have collected over 370 NOE restraints for a 38 AA peptide. Because I have less than 10 restraints per residue, I am ...
Posted: E V Clarke 11 / Updated: sekhar Talluri 621 May 23 '10 at 12:18

peptide protein interaction

6 1 9k
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I have determined the structure of a 110 residues protein(11kDa) which is known to interact with a 15mer peptide. Now I ...
Posted: man05 11 / Updated: Justin Frank 1 Jun 27 '16 at 22:44

How would you compare solving NMR structure of a smaller peptide vs that of globular protein?

2 0 19620
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By smaller peptide I mean somewhere around 15-20 aminoacids, having a cycle or two that constrain the geometry. Also - ...
Posted: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 / Updated: SankarampadiAravamudhan 91 Mar 17 '11 at 01:01

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