Tagged questions

1H-15N CSP

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I have a basic question. Why or when should one use deviation from average chemical shift change rather than absolute va...
Posted: Mahavir Singh 1 Nov 27 '14 at 05:10

Chemical shift

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Hi there, I am seeing four signals at equal height between -0.6 and 0.5 PPM of a 1H NMR sample in dmso-d6. The reaction ...
Posted: TBS 1 / Updated: Eugene DeRose 41 May 23 '14 at 13:02

Very simple NMR question wrt resonance frequency calculation

6 0 21439
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Hi guys, I'm stuck in attempting this question and need some help understanding how to answer it. Q.) The chemical shif...
Posted: Will Whitehouse 1 / Updated: SankarampadiAravamudhan 91 Apr 02 '14 at 00:25

Temperature dependence of chemical shift in sodium fluoride aqueous solution.

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I know water is about -0.01ppm/K. How about Na and F? ...
Posted: Jeffreyyyy 1 Apr 29 '12 at 04:03

Downfield carbon paired with a upfield proton

4 1 6k
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Dear sirs and madams, I have a natural product whose two carbon resoances are appearing at 46 and 56 ppm but theirs prot...
Posted: Jonnala Kotesh Kumar 11 / Updated: nvgramosa 11 Oct 08 '11 at 09:08

Why is chemical shift range of 13C wider than of 1H nuclei?

6 3 20054
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Why the chemical shift range of 1H nmr is ~20 ppm wheras for 13C nmr it is ~230 ppm? ...
Posted: sameer deka 31 / Updated: Yoan Monneau 136 Feb 15 '11 at 11:23

cs rosetta compilation for linux 32

1 1 6k
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Hi guys : I was wondering if anyone knows where I can find CS-Rosetta compiled for 32 bit linux..... Im having trouble ...
Posted: j 131 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Jan 13 '11 at 12:27

cs23d vs. cs-rosetta

2 1 6k
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Does anybody have any thoughts on this ? I dont really know which is better, CS23D or CS-ROSETTA. Clearly they are ide...
Posted: j 131 / Updated: Thomas Garner 81 Jan 19 '11 at 08:05

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