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Tool for Subsampling Uniformly-Acquired Data to Mimic NUS Spectra

1 0 8k
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Hello all, I have several 2D and 3D data sets acquired using Bruker spectrometers in the standard uniform sampling fash...
Updated: ChemMJW 99 Aug 23 '14 at 20:43

adiabatic decoupling

1 1 6k
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Hi NMRwikiers, for measuring scalar couplings we use some HSQC pulse sequences modified for obtaining the coupling in F1...
Posted: ptrigomou 11 / Updated: ChemMJW 99 Jun 28 '11 at 12:50

Bruker GRPDLY Parameter

2 1 10742
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I am new to working with Bruker-style NMR data and am experiencing confusion with regard to Bruker's digital filtering. ...
Posted: ChemMJW 99 / Updated: Kirk Marat 711 Nov 15 '10 at 09:10

Bruker GRPDLY Parameter

2 1 10742
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I am new to working with Bruker-style NMR data and am experiencing confusion with regard to Bruker's digital filtering. ...
Posted: ChemMJW 99 / Updated: Kirk Marat 711 Nov 15 '10 at 09:10

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