Tagged questions

Very simple NMR question wrt resonance frequency calculation

6 0 21673
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Hi guys, I'm stuck in attempting this question and need some help understanding how to answer it. Q.) The chemical shif...
Posted: Will Whitehouse 1 / Updated: SankarampadiAravamudhan 91 Apr 02 '14 at 00:25

Very simple NMR question wrt resonance frequency calculation

6 0 21673
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Hi guys, I'm stuck in attempting this question and need some help understanding how to answer it. Q.) The chemical shif...
Posted: Will Whitehouse 1 / Updated: SankarampadiAravamudhan 91 Apr 02 '14 at 00:25

Very simple NMR question wrt resonance frequency calculation

6 0 21673
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Hi guys, I'm stuck in attempting this question and need some help understanding how to answer it. Q.) The chemical shif...
Posted: Will Whitehouse 1 / Updated: SankarampadiAravamudhan 91 Apr 02 '14 at 00:25

Why is chemical shift range of 13C wider than of 1H nuclei?

6 3 20220
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Why the chemical shift range of 1H nmr is ~20 ppm wheras for 13C nmr it is ~230 ppm? ...
Posted: sameer deka 31 / Updated: Yoan Monneau 136 Feb 15 '11 at 11:23

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