How to extract Bruker fid data - in topspin and xwinnmr - to ascii format?

4 1 26303
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Hi and thanks for answering my prev. questions! Decided to ask this one: How can I convert fid data (ser file) to plain...
Posted: Magnethead 42 / Updated: Ulrich Haunz 210 Dec 04 '14 at 04:16

Are there ways to explain magnetic-field dependent chemical shift?

4 1 25779
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Hi everyone, I was wondering whether anyone could help me to explain why the chemical shifts in my proton and carbon NM...
Posted: Guga Hollows 11 / Updated: Arkadiusz Leniak 238 May 31 '14 at 15:46

For the RDC analysis - how to tell when the sample is acceptable/useful?

4 1 16829
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I have a rather simple question - What is the acceptable difference in coupling constants between the anisotropic and is...
Posted: shub 31 / Updated: Bharathwaj 112 Jun 22 '10 at 07:16

How does pipe estimates Haight and DHeight?

4 1 5k
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I`m new on Pipe. I was using the values from pipe to estimate R1 and R2. Because lots of signal in the HSQC were crowded...
Updated: Marcos 21 Jul 02 '10 at 10:55

VnmrJ 2.2D on Ubuntu 10.04

4 3 8k
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Dear all, I was wondering whether someone managed to install the VnmrJ software of Varian (2.2 D) on a Ubuntu based sys...
Posted: Tom de Greef 31 / Updated: maxm00d 1 Nov 08 '12 at 05:24

processing varian data in topspin?

4 1 23031
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Hi I have recently moved to a lab which has a varian magnet, in the past I have only used brukers. The people here use ...
Posted: Thomas Garner 81 / Updated: surya 11 Feb 28 '11 at 06:28

Area of effect?

4 1 5k
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What defines the area of effect of nuclear magnetic resonance? Is it the magnetic field? the frequency? Or just the diam...
Posted: M Kieselbach 11 / Updated: Dmitry Mainichev 31 Mar 22 '11 at 19:00

setting up solid echo on bruker

4 1 12076
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Hello, I need to set up aquisition parameters for an echo solid sequence on bruker. In order to analyse deuteraed sample...
Updated: silvernmr 11 Mar 06 '11 at 12:39

two triplets and no quartet?

4 1 8k
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Hello all, I have spent approximately 4 hours trying to analyze an H NMR consisting of two doublets of doublets (pe...
Posted: Kelsey O'Dell 11 / Updated: joenmr 1 Feb 18 '15 at 10:44

data processing

4 1 6k
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HELLO NMR WIKI ERS Could you please give information about the standred reference values of LINEAR PRIDICTION FORWRAD...
Updated: sri 71 May 24 '11 at 02:45


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