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My group seeks highly accurate 3J 1H-1H coupling constants. After an extensive literature search, I see conflicting statements about zero filling in 1D 1H NMR and whether it... a) improves the resolution of a spectrum? b) improves the accuracy with which the peak position - the top of the peak - is known? c) simply uses the added zeros to interpolate between the experimental data points, and does this improve accuracy of the 3J 1H-1H coupling constants? d) since the FT "throws out" half the data, does one zero filling (up to the original number of data points acquired) actually help?

asked Nov 27 '19 at 07:46

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Steven Graham

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Asked: Nov 27 '19 at 07:46

Seen: 3,619 times

Last updated: Nov 27 '19 at 07:46

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