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Hello all, can i filter sample by passing the sample through a cotton? I think may be some of compound in cotton dissolve in NMR solvent.

asked Sep 06 '16 at 08:52

satar's gravatar image


updated Sep 07 '16 at 03:58

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Hello Satar,

Essential Practical NMR of Organic Chemistry by S.A. Richards and J.C. Hollerton - ISBN 978-0-470-71092-0

is a practical starter for this topic.

Chapter 2.4 / page 18 to 21 has to do with your question.

They do even more, ... their filtration vessel is pasteur pipette, filled up first with a cotton wool plug, some "Hyflo" (R) layer and on top of this a layer with anhydrous Na2SO4.

... extra drying, and adsorbing unwanted particles from your deuterated solution (solvent and suspended material)

Be also aware, cotton can also keep unwanted material on its surface and can react with your solvents, ... you can use here glass wool instead!

Please read the whole article and also the whole book. ;-)

Yours sincerely,



answered Sep 12 '16 at 03:15

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Ulrich Haunz

first rinse the cotton or glass wool to get rid of the unwanted material first, then you can add your compound for drying and getting particles out of the system. Instead you can use also a microfilter, ... there are also the possibility to rinse particles sitting in the filter out! - Ulrich Haunz (Sep 12 '16 at 05:56)

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Asked: Sep 06 '16 at 08:52

Seen: 3,679 times

Last updated: Sep 12 '16 at 05:56

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