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Hello How to write a pulse program with J-scaling factor? When I should introduce the scaling factor? For example, how to introduce J-scaling into HMQC experiment? Please Help :) , thanks.

asked Feb 07 '14 at 08:32

ghNMR's gravatar image


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J-scaled HMQC is a pseudo-3d experiment, obtained by adding additional spin-echo before acquisition. Scaling factor is a multiplier for this spin-echo delay, or you may leave this delay variable for 3d experiment. For further details look at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0040403900021274 there described hmqc experiments with both Jch and Jhh scaling.


answered Feb 13 '14 at 04:35

Nikolay%20Boev's gravatar image

Nikolay Boev

updated Feb 13 '14 at 04:45

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Asked: Feb 07 '14 at 08:32

Seen: 4,118 times

Last updated: Feb 13 '14 at 04:45

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