What do we exactly mean by "utilizing steady state polarization" to gain sensitivity in an experiment?...I know that steady state should be achieved before the start of acquisition which means, in a way, it is already being used for 1H,13C/15N(isn't it?)...I am lost in understanding this concept!...also, how/why does it differ in standard pulse sequences and spin state selective coherence transfer experiments? |
Many experiments in indirect detection use the 1H steady-state polarization (the magnetization present prior to the beginning of the pulse sequence after multiple repetitions) to provide the coherence that is eventually measured, even if that coherence passes through other nuclei prior to detection of protons. Some experiments such as TROSY are indirect detection, but it is possible by proper pulse sequence design to add the X-nucleus steady-state magnetization to the coherence coming from protons, within the pulse sequence. Any experiments that use X pulse(s) followed by gradients prior to the first proton pulse are designed to get rid of the steady state magnetization in order to prevent artifact peaks or intensities. In these cases there is no additional magnetization to add to the coherence originating from the protons. it clears up my confusion...thanks! - nmr2rmn (Aug 07 '13 at 13:52) one more thing....do artifact peaks/intensities outweigh the benefit of sensitivity enhancement by X-nucleus's steady state? - nmr2rmn (Aug 07 '13 at 14:05) |