I am trying to run a Ghsqc on a 400Mhz Varian NMR. Once I start the acquisition I get, PSG error "cant find W40_ASW8332.DEC". All other hetero-2D give the same error, while the homo-2D programs such as Gcosy & Tocsy run fine, am I missing a step for the hetero-2D? The probe is labeled ASW8332, so I am not sure what to do. Thanks |
Hello, search on your HDD where the file "W40_ASW8332.DEC" is and copy this into your subdirectory /probes/ASW8332 or something else, ... this file should be linked to your probe and the files there. /vnmrsys/probes/"probename" or /vnmr/probes/"probename" are the correct location of this file! Ask your operator of the spectrometer to put it there! Yours sincerely, Ulrich Haunz |
W40_ASW8332.DEC is the decoupling waveform that the pulse sequence is trying to use. It is presumably a Wurst-40 decoupling sequence. Ulrich's answer is pointing you in the right direction, except decoupling waveforms need to be in either the system shaped pulse directory /vnmr/shapelib or in your local $HOME/vnmrsys/shapelib directory. The probe file is probably where this shape name and associated parameters are stored, however. If for any reason that file doesn't exist, you'll have to ask your facility manager to recreate it or replace it with a different, working decoupling sequence. |