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Hi i'm a newbie in NMR and I have 2 proteins, A protein is about 12KDa, B protein is about 45 KDa,i know that A protein binds ssRNA 20nucleotide molecule. My question what is the best way to know if protein B forms a complex A and RNA using NRM techniques? I have thought of deutering protein B, and mapping chemical shifts in isotopic labelled (15N) A protein, is this ok?... can transfered NOE or filtered NOE be used?? what about PRE? I've heard of TROSY, how can this help me?

Thanks for your ideas. Structural biology Master student

asked Dec 07 '12 at 15:59

Guch's gravatar image


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I know a commercial platform that provides custom protein services, such as crystallization, structure determination and function analysis by X-ray, EM, NMR, etc.


answered Jun 27 '16 at 22:46

Justin%20Frank's gravatar image

Justin Frank

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Asked: Dec 07 '12 at 15:59

Seen: 3,090 times

Last updated: Jun 27 '16 at 22:46

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