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I would like to know what is the command being used to read the parameter files of bruker when 'Read Parameter' button is pressed which after saving the script generates fid.com. I would like to use that to create a script which can convert multiple files automatically

asked Nov 22 '12 at 12:46

Ved%20Roy's gravatar image

Ved Roy

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Hi Ved,

I was interested in doing something similar but decided to stay away from the 'bruker' converter as it seems to read only the acqus file (and ignores the acqu2s ect.) and therefore makes lots of mistakes in my experience - i.e. it needs user intervention. This might be due to the pulse sequences we are using - I don't know. Anyway - I found it much simpler and cleaner to grab the parameters for the conversion straight from the acqus/acqu2s/acqu3s file. If you are converting all the same experiment type this becomes really trivial, and only needs subtle modification if you are doing different experiments.

If you are still working on this (it is an old question) - reply to me and I can throw you the parameters you want to grab from these files for your conversion (it'll save you some time). The 'bruker' conversion actually does a few calculations for you that you would need to pop in.

Hope that helps - Tom


answered Mar 24 '13 at 18:18

TJCarruthers's gravatar image


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Asked: Nov 22 '12 at 12:46

Seen: 3,983 times

Last updated: Mar 24 '13 at 18:18

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