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what are the name for 2D NOESY filtered/edited experiments like F1fF2f, F1fF2e, F2f, F1eF2e in Bruker 700MHz ?. Here is the link of that paper which has above experiments http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14739639

asked Oct 15 '12 at 03:41

ambrish's gravatar image


3 Answers:
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f = filtered (reject protons attached to labelled C13 and/or N15); e = edited (observe protons attached to labelled C13 and/or N15). The nomenclature was introduced by Breeze in a review on Progress NMR spectroscopy (I think...). Thus F1fF2f means NOESy filtered in both dimension = you observe the unlabelled molecule in F1 and F2; F2f means filtered in F2 only = you observe all protons in F1 and only the ones belonging to the unlabelled molecule in F2. And so on.


answered Oct 16 '12 at 09:12

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Thanks Marcs for reply

I have some other queries. We have Bruker 700 MHz NMR and checked experiment list for F1fF2f, F1fF2e, F2f, F1eF2e found following experiments.... noesygpphwgx1/NOESYGPPHWGX1 noesygpphwgx2/NOESYGPPHWGX2 noesygpphwgxf|NOESYGPPHWGXf noesygpphwgxf.2|NOESYGPPHWGXf.2 I am confused with experiments that which one correspond to F1fF2f, F1fF2e, F2f, F1eF2e


answered Nov 02 '12 at 02:17

ambrish's gravatar image


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Hi Ambrish, sorry for my delay.

;noesygpphwgx1 ; with C-13 and N-15 filter in F1 ; H[C12,N14] (t1) -> H (t2)


;noesygpphwgx2 ; with C-13 and N-15 filter in F2 ; H (t1) -> H[C12,N14] (t2)


;noesygpphwgxf ;selecting C-12 or N-14 bound protons in F1 and F2


;noesygpphwgxf.2 ; with C-13 and N-15 filter in F1 and F2 ; H[C12,N14] (t1) -> H[C12,N14] (t2)


A good thing to do is to look at first serial file if you observe what you expect. Another useful thing could be to run 1D versions to check if adiabatic pulses work well. ciao, Marco


answered Nov 28 '12 at 08:13

marcs's gravatar image


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Asked: Oct 15 '12 at 03:41

Seen: 6,642 times

Last updated: Nov 28 '12 at 08:13

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