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Hello all, In a typical 2D experiment, the delay "d0" (t1 increment delay in Bruker) is compensated for the chemical shift evolution that would happen during the rf pulse (hard/soft) that are applied flanking (before and after) the "d0" delay.

I could also find similar such compensations for shaped pulses before a delay in the pulse programs. These compensation factors varies for different types of pulses, e.g. 2/pi for 90 hard pulse , 0.52 for pc490120. Can someone guide me how these compensation factors are calculated for hard as well as shaped pulses? Thanks!

asked Aug 02 '12 at 10:33

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Asked: Aug 02 '12 at 10:33

Seen: 2,039 times

Last updated: Aug 02 '12 at 10:33

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