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I have alraedy seen such a thing, but a google search now ended up with nothing. Does sbdy now where to by such small oven?

They are normally ca. 5cm diameter and 20cm high (internal oven dimensions) and are open on one end, where an nmr tube is inserted but does not touch the tube.

asked Jul 02 '12 at 07:02

fid's gravatar image


3 Answers:
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I have heard of high temp NMR probes like this from Clair Grey's group at Stoney Brook, New York and from Ago Samoson at National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Tallinn, Estonia. They may know where to acquire such a device. Maybe Dave Doty could build you such a probe.

Beware boltzman factor trouble if you are trying to acquire data at such high temperatures.

It this is an oven not intended for high temp NMR data acquisition, wouldn't any furnace capable of 200C suffice? Use a flat pan to be safe, but glass shouldn't warp at only 200C.


answered Jul 06 '12 at 10:30

w101bdk's gravatar image


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maybe u need such a thing


1) Thermolyne Tube Furnace F1100 (1)
a. Quartz tube about 4.6 cm diameter;
b. Max. working temperature (TMAX = 800oC)
c. Sample dimensions below 4.6x4.6 cm;


answered Jul 12 '12 at 03:52

oxy's gravatar image


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... its not intended for nmr measurement, but i want to keep the 5mm nmr tube in a vacuum line while heating it, thus a vertical cylindric oven open at the top. I did see already commercial ones, but cant remember the brand :-/


answered Jul 08 '12 at 02:14

fid's gravatar image


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Asked: Jul 02 '12 at 07:02

Seen: 3,653 times

Last updated: Jul 12 '12 at 03:52

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