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Dear All, I acquired a 3d tocsy-hsqc edited on Bruker machine of small protein in micelles with a mixing time of 70ms. The problem is that I do not observe almoust spin system of each aminoacid, in detail I see only cross peaks between NH-HA. I obtained very good results by 3d Noesy-hsqc edited. How can I do to improve the magnetization transfer along the spin system and see all cross peaks? Do you think that this problem is due to the nature? Thank you in advance\

asked Mar 06 '12 at 00:20

Mario%20Scrima's gravatar image

Mario Scrima

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Hi Mario,

Relaxation is probably doing you in - the small protein is in a 30+ kD detergent micelle (size varies with detergent, and somewhat with solution conditions), so T2's are too short for a long enough mixing time to get full spin system cross-peaks. I'd suggest backing off to a 40-48 msec mixing time to (hopefully) at least get the H-betas. - Mark


answered Mar 09 '12 at 07:39

Mark%20Girvin's gravatar image

Mark Girvin

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Asked: Mar 06 '12 at 00:20

Seen: 3,433 times

Last updated: Mar 09 '12 at 07:39

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