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Hi all,

I've been asked to give a "wet lab" tutorial on NMR -- the audience is a mixture of chemists, biologists, and business folks. Does anyone have any input of experiments that could be instructive (and fun) to show how an NMR works? I'd be grateful for any suggestions.

Best, Rachel

asked Jan 06 '12 at 17:13

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Rachel Smith

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Check out: "The fumarase reaction. A nuclear magnetic resonance experiment for biological chemistry students." Easily done in a couple of hours or so (or less).

George J. Kasperek and R. F. Pratt J. Chem. Educ., 1977, 54 (8), p 515


answered Jan 07 '12 at 19:29

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John Witte

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Asked: Jan 06 '12 at 17:13

Seen: 4,162 times

Last updated: Jan 07 '12 at 19:29

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