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Dear friends,

I am in process of doing structure calculation of a dimeric protein. The problem I faced is regarding the assignment of N15Edit NOESY and C13 Edit NOESY spectrum.I have already processed the fid data and converted to sparky ucsf format. Is there options available in sparky for auto peak picking, integration and assignment of my NOESY spectrum? And second query is regarding the generation of input files for structure calculation. In our Lab we are using ARIA 2.1 software for structure calculation? Is there any software which can help me create or convert input files like NOESY peak list files, chemical shift files, angle restraint files &H-bond distance restraint files directly into ARIA 2.1 format from my data.

Regards Arun

asked Dec 14 '11 at 08:41

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Arun Gupta

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FormatConverter can be used to convert various NMR data file formats, including Sparky shift and peak list files.

Best Regards, Eugene


answered Dec 16 '11 at 08:01

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Eugene DeRose

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Asked: Dec 14 '11 at 08:41

Seen: 3,698 times

Last updated: Dec 16 '11 at 08:01

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