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I am facing problems in calibration of my HCCH-TOCSY spectrum in reference to HBHACONH and HCCCONH spectrum. Can somebody tell me how to solve this issue? Can I autoassign my HCCH-TOCSY spectrum using HBHACONH spectrum

asked Oct 01 '11 at 21:55

Arun%20Gupta's gravatar image

Arun Gupta

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If you talk about hcchdigp3d :

HCCH-TOCSY spectrum are shift by SW/4 in proton indirect dimension if you don't correct it. Read in pulseprog file, near the end, there are some indications about processing to correct this shift :


;SR(F1): 1/4 SWH(F1)

So process your data without take care about calibration and after shift proton indirect dimension of SW/4 in your spectrum viewer.

hope that can help you and guess I've really understood the question.


answered Oct 02 '11 at 08:08

Yoan%20Monneau's gravatar image

Yoan Monneau

updated Oct 02 '11 at 11:10

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Asked: Oct 01 '11 at 21:55

Seen: 4,701 times

Last updated: Oct 02 '11 at 11:10

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