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hello...i know only the basics on nmr and need some help :i need H-NMR help with phenylethylamine Phe-CH2-CH2-NH-R - how do you assign the peaks? is the middle CH2 multiplet? why?very confused..

asked Mar 31 '15 at 09:36

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ann choroshun

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The reason that the two CH2 are triplets is due to coupling with each other. These protons have different chemical shifts, they are not equal.


answered Apr 09 '15 at 07:59

Jim%20Lin's gravatar image

Jim Lin

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Usage of google searching engine could be really helpful:

http://pic11.molbase.net/nmr/nmr<em>image/2014-07-18/000/003/786/64-04-0-1h.png http://pic11.molbase.net/nmr/nmrimage/2014-07-18/000/003/786/64-04-0-1h.png


answered Apr 07 '15 at 15:12

Arkadiusz%20Leniak's gravatar image

Arkadiusz Leniak

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Asked: Mar 31 '15 at 09:36

Seen: 3,711 times

Last updated: Apr 09 '15 at 07:59

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