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Hi what is the HOLD LOCK message on BSMS key pad? How can I fix it?


asked Nov 05 '14 at 08:55

elham's gravatar image


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Look at this link:

NMR Spectroscopy Explained

It's a piece from book of Neil E. Jacobsen "NMR Spectroscopy Explained: Simplified Theory, Applications and Examples for Organic Chemistry and Structural Biology".


answered Nov 06 '14 at 01:43

Arkadiusz%20Leniak's gravatar image

Arkadiusz Leniak

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If you are receiving this message during a pulse sequence that uses gradients, it is normal. The lock receiver is blanked and field correction is held at current value during the gradient pulses.

If you have this message when there is nor gradient sequence running, the BSMS probably needs to be re-booted.


answered Nov 10 '14 at 07:28

Kirk%20Marat's gravatar image

Kirk Marat

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Thank you for your answer. I was using simplex shim and I couldn't kill that command from display menu. finally I closed the "spect" window. After killing the simplex shim, the BSMS came back to normal state.


answered Nov 14 '14 at 23:51

elham's gravatar image


Your's answer confused me, I had to check what this simplex shimming is. Abysmal and bottomless depths of internet uncovered before me that it's quite obsolete and time consuming method. Are you using this type of shimming in daily routine? I'm just curious because I hadn't ever chance to use it. - Arkadiusz Leniak (Nov 16 '14 at 18:18)

no.we don't use simplex shim in daily routine. I used this type of shim before the DOSY experiment. - elham (Jan 16 '15 at 07:08)

One would commonly use simplex for full 3d shimming on systems which do not have 3D gradient shimming capability. It is a slow method and only works well if the shims are not too far off to start with, so it's only useful for updating working shims. - Pete Gierth (Jan 22 '15 at 02:39)

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Asked: Nov 05 '14 at 08:55

Seen: 5,824 times

Last updated: Jan 22 '15 at 02:39

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