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I've noticed recently that our EPR spectrometer (Bruker EMX500) has a negative offset on the baseline and it becomes very large at high receiver gain settings (goes off scale).

Is there a way to tweak the spectrometer or software settings to fix this issue?


asked May 06 '10 at 08:42

Evgeny%20Fadeev's gravatar image

Evgeny Fadeev

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The Bruker EMX software corrects the baseline afyet each scan... I can think of two reasons for the offset:

1) There is a very broad line there (dirty cavity?). To check it try to run your spectrum with larger sweep range (3000-4000 G) 2) Check the phase of the MW bridge



answered May 12 '10 at 11:55

Alex%20Blumenfeld's gravatar image

Alex Blumenfeld

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