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Dear all,

our Oxford 800 Mhz pumped magnet is monitored using a windows 95 pc. The autodial is still running but we were concerned about the lifetime of the pc.

Currently we are working to modernize our monitor system to have at least a replacement system in case of a crash of the current PC monitor system. We succesully migrated to Windows7 using a newer LabView version.

My question is: who is dealing with a comparable monitor system and updated this or is willing to update?



asked Sep 02 '14 at 12:56

Ruud's gravatar image


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Dear all,

here is a short update about the monitoring system; we successfully replaced the Oxford monitoring system by an in-house made system. Besides monitoring all the relevant temperatures and pressures, and dial out of the alarm messages, we additionally implemented a option to send out an e-mail containing the temperatures and pressures of interest.

If an organisation is interest in our system, we are willing to help.




answered Sep 25 '14 at 03:37

RuudA's gravatar image


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Asked: Sep 02 '14 at 12:56

Seen: 3,803 times

Last updated: Sep 25 '14 at 03:37

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